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Hazardous Waste Storage, Associated Risks and Disposal

If you have stored hazardous waste in your premises, voluntarily or involuntarily, this article is for you.  Hazardous waste is generated at both the industrial and household levels. Industrial hazardous waste includes materials such as: Toluene and Benzene Water ink solvent Heavy metal solutions Electronic scrap Waste battery Paint waste Household hazardous waste includes: Lamp ballasts Drain cleaners Motor oil Pesticides Medical wastes Discarded electronics Faraway nuclear plants aren’t the only places that produce hazardous waste that's collected by people wearing...

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3 Essential Paramaters for Inland Oil Spill Response

A site contaminated by an oil spill is replete with hazardous gases and chemicals. People in the vicinity of the site and staff working to contain the oil spill are at risk of developing eye, skin, or respiratory irritations, tremors, confusion, unconsciousness, etc. Long-term exposure to these harmful chemicals can cause cancer, and liver, lung, and kidney disease, among various other health hazards. An oil spill response requires trained personnel and equipment to contain and recover the oil spillage. Ignorance can be dangerous in such a situation. The following 3 paraments are essential...

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Need for Industrial Chemical Waste Disposal : How Enviro Care Helps

Chemical waste is produced by almost every industry, and most of it needs to be recycled or properly disposed of.  The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), an independent executive agency of the U.S.government, oversees environmental protection matters and has established guidelines for the proper disposal of industrial waste.  Industrial waste includes waste generated from:  Commercial, industrial and trade activities Primary industries such as agriculture and forestry Cafes, restaurants, hotels, and motels The EPA assesses penalties for dumping, abandonment, and...

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Remediation of Contaminated Sites - How Enviro Care Can Help?

Site contamination is mainly the result of human activity. It's an unwanted by-product of every undertaking of modern humanity, such as agriculture, mining, industrialization, urbanization, constructions, etc.  Since we can't stop these activities altogether, the need for remediation of contaminated sites arises.  The main agents responsible for site contamination are chemicals and oil. Chemically contaminated sites pose a threat to plants and animals, as well as humans. Chemicals pose a fire hazard and can damage structures. The potential impacts of chemical contaminants include...

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Why you need COVID-19 Virus Decontamination Services

The coronavirus or COVID-19 disease has substantially altered the rhythm of life on our planet. Its ease of transmission has made it reach nearly every corner of the globe very quickly. Since it is spread from person to person, chiefly through contact with an infected individual or touching items or surfaces that are contaminated through spit, cough, or sneeze droplets proper decontamination is necessary. The COVID-19 virus can remain transmittable for up to 72 hours on non-living surfaces such as metal, cardboard, paper, wood, glass, ceramics, and plastic. This makes practically any kind of...

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How and Why do Oil Spills Happen

Oil spills are potential environmental catastrophes that need to be addressed promptly as they have a tendency of damaging vulnerable ecosystems. While they most often occur inadvertently on the interstate or a water body, it is important to contract an OSRO Inland Responder (Oil Spill Response Organizations) to manage the remediation. Read on to find out how and why do oil spills happen and how to prevent oil spills from happening or the best means to contact a team for remediation. Why do oil spills happen? Since oils are used in vast quantities across the country, they are usually stored...

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How to Dispose of Hazardous Waste in Times of COVID-19

Hazardous waste refers to any waste that is toxic, reactive, corrosive and flammable. Disposal of this waste is a crucial element in the waste management process to ensure that it does not have any adverse impact on the environment and life. Some of the most common questions that are cropping up today are how to dispose of hazardous waste and where to dispose of hazardous waste. When you encounter a situation that requires you to dispose of hazardous waste, it is recommended that you opt for a waste transportation program from a renowned provider in your state. This can help in the development...

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Waste Management Stream Data and Applications

While some may think of commercial waste streams as nothing more than trash in various formats, in reality, they represent more than this. While they do include several types of waste, these streams also offer vital data points that can provide you insights in areas ranging from regulatory and operational to sustainability and overall finances. At Enviro Care, we’re proud to offer several areas of assistance when it comes to waste management services, whether you’re looking to keep better records, meet compliance regulations more accurately, understand land disposal restrictions or a variety...

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Basics and Safety With Calcium Hydride

At Enviro Care, we’re dedicated completely to safety and careful procedures during our chemical waste disposal and hazardous waste transportation services. We have all the proper permits and licensing to handle these issues for you, with experienced and professional waste managers. One chemical waste area that we regularly perform services in involves a release of calcium hydride. This chemical, which can affect humans through breathing, has to be removed professionally and with the proper transportation practices in place. Let’s go over some of the effects calcium hydride can have if left...

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