Why you need COVID-19 Virus Decontamination Services
The coronavirus or COVID-19 disease has substantially altered the rhythm of life on our planet. Its ease of transmission has made it reach nearly every corner of the globe very quickly. Since it is spread from person to person, chiefly through contact with an infected individual or touching items or surfaces that are contaminated through spit, cough, or sneeze droplets proper decontamination is necessary.
The COVID-19 virus can remain transmittable for up to 72 hours on non-living surfaces such as metal, cardboard, paper, wood, glass, ceramics, and plastic. This makes practically any kind of surface in businesses, homes, and vehicles a potential medium of transmission for COVID-19.
On account of the aforementioned and the reasons that follow, specialized decontamination and preventive disinfection procedures have become important and efficient mechanisms capable of slowing the spread of coronavirus.
Prevention is, so far, our first line of defense
Since COVID-19 is still a relatively new virus that is continuously being studied, we've learned there is no way to eliminate the virus but must take preventative steps to beat the spread. Because of this, prevention is our first tool of defense to face COVID-19. The sanitary authorities of our country and the world have called for preventative measures such as proper handwashing, use of face masks, and cleaning of surfaces.
One of the most significant preventive measures to keep away from these risks is the viral decontamination and preventive disinfection of surfaces and objects in buildings, houses, vehicles, and any other type of public and private facilities.
Leave it to the professionals
It is vital to hire professionals, like Enviro Care for COVID-19 Virus Decontamination Services. This guarantees that highly qualified technicians perform, proper cleaning and decontamination procedures according to CDC guidelines and other standards.
These procedures incorporate the utilization of EPA-approved disinfectants and proper disposal of hazardous and infectious waste. Indeed, a decontamination service performed by an experienced, certified, and competent team provides peace of mind, security, and confidence to your staff, customers, and family members.
Anyone can be a COVID-19 transmitter
You should not wait until a person who is positive or suspected of COVID-19 get in contact with an area to perform its virus decontamination. It has been shown that up to 24% of people can carry the COVID-19 virus asymptomatically, making them silent transmitters.
These asymptomatic transmitters are capable of spreading the virus to others, as well as leave behind droplets on inanimate surfaces. Since they are not suspected carriers, the appropriate disinfection and decontamination measures are not taken, which represents a risk of contagion for healthy people who come into contact with these contaminated surfaces.
To ensure the health of your staff and customers and reduce possible risks, it is recommended that preventative disinfection be performed periodically because not all people with COVID-19 present symptoms and Coronavirus testing has a margin of error.
Assure your customers and staff
In order for businesses to remain open, they must face and adapt to the new circumstances with which we are presented. This includes keeping their staff and customers healthy and safe.
Consequently, those businesses that wish to open and operate safely and efficiently, must inspire confidence and ensure the health of their customers and employees. The best way to do this is to hire Enviro Care to perform preventive COVID-19 Virus Decontamination.